Arham Petrochem manufactures various industrial fuels like Bunker Fuels, Fuel Oils, and Furnace Oil. Fuel oil is a residual oil that is used mainly for steam boiler and generators.
Furnace oil is a residual oil that is obtained from crude-oil distillation. It is used in boilers, industrial furnaces, and abroad ships.
Carbon Black Feedstock (CBFS) is obtained by high-temperature cracking of various petroleum fractions. It can also be used as a blend to make bunker fuels.
All these fuels are fuel oils having different viscosities and different applications. These fuels are commonly known as residual oils or residual fuels.

Furnace Oil
Furnace Oil is a type of fuel oil that is specially used for generating heat in furnaces

CBFS (Carbon Black Feed Stock)
Carbon Black Feed Stock (also known as CBFS) is a mixture of C12 hydrocarbons

Boiler & Generator - Fuel Oil
Carbon Black Feed Stock (also known as CBFS) is a mixture of C12 hydrocarbons

Bunker Fuels
Bunker Distillate Fuel Oil is fraction that is obtained during crude oil distillation & Bunker Residual Fuel Oil is produced as bottom oil after crude oil distillation.